FrSky Products: Which to Get?

FrSky products are great, but the names make it easy to jumble them together.  Here's a breakdown of the three main families of products.

Simple Purchase Advice:

  • Buy a Taranis if you need a radio and if you can find one.
  • Buy an XJT module if you've got a 9x, 9xr, or other JR-module compatible radio
  • X8R if you want S.Port compatible telemetry or SBUS servos.
  • D4R-II if your need a small Rx that supports CPPM.  Perfect for multirotors.

X Series
  • module: XJT (JR)
  • Smart Port, Telemetry
  • receivers: X8R, X6R
  • Taranis has XJT internally
  • uses "smart port" sensors

D Series

  • modules:  DFT (Futaba), DJT (JR)
  • telemetry
  • receivers: D8R-XP, D8R-II Plus, D4R-II
  • uses "hub based" sensors

V8 Series
  • oldest series
  • no telemetry
  • receivers: V8R7SP, VD5M, V8R4-II, V8R7-II, V8FR-II
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