Welcome to Taranis! Video Series Guide

Here's a series of videos I did in conjunction with Aloft Hobbies an FrSky RC.  It's is designed to get you up and running on Taranis as quickly as possible.

I've got some more in the works.  What topics would you like to see?  Where have I got something wrong?  Let me know what you think!

The screen looks better (a lot!) in HD.

Series Contents

    The series playlist is here: Play All.

    0.  Introduction. (video) (notes)
    1. Out of the box setup. (video) (notes)
    2. Binding an X series receiver. (video) (notes)
    3. Binding a D series receiver. (video) (notes)
    4. Mixing, the heart of Taranis. (video) (notes)
    5. Dual Rates and Expo. (video) (notes)
    6. Setting up a 4 channel plane. (video) (notes)
    7. Elevon mixing. (video) (notes)
    8a. Basic Telemetry. (video) (notes)
    8b. Audio Telemetry Alerts. (video) (notes)
    9. Basic Speech. (video) (notes)

This video series is a coproduction of FrSky RC, Aloft Hobbies, and EastBay RC.

I'll fill in some links to some supporting text material.

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