Nice Airbrush Paint: Glidden Eggshell Interior

Heard a great tip on The CrashCast about using the sample sizes from the paint store.  Went to Home Depot and picked up this 7 oz. jar of Glidden Eggshell Interior for about $3.  I picked out a color chip; it was from Behr, and they asked if it was OK to color match it.

Works well in the airbrush, diluted 50/50 with water.  On the left is Dollar Tree foamboard, stripped, and on the right is EPP.  The photo doesn't do the EPP justice; the grain is emphasize by the direct light.

I've been meaning to paint the leading edges of the EZ-Fly for quite a while... I'll be taking it to the Maker Faire tomorrow, so I took the chance to do it now.  Looks great, I'll update with a picture tomorrow.

tl;dr: Glidden Eggshell sampler works great with airbrush, cheap, can be color matched.
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