Review: Open Source Cardboard Boxes

Thanks to 3DRobotics, 2012 is shaping up to be a banner year for Open Source Hardware cardboard boxes.  From  the top:

  • DSO Nano box from Seeed Studio.  Perhaps the most trancendentally cool of all the boxes.
  • 3D Robotics.  Elegant and understated, this black box will be immediately identifiable in the hands of a delivery man.
  • Sparkfun Inventor's Kit.  Possibly the first colorful open source box, it shows the innovative spirit that has inspired so many people in the open source hardware community.
  • Solarbotics.  Keeping in line with their straightforward engineering excellence, they're still using the sturdy but artistically uninspiring official Canada Post box.
  • As a reference point, the final container is the incredibly well reviewed box from our uncle in Hong Kong who regularly sends us boxes of gifts with a negligable cash value.  Cheap, somewhat shabby, taped to the hilt, it is the reference point for utilitarian delivery of goods from one continent to another.
Overall, I think you'll agree that the Open Hardware people are excelling not only in innovative designs, but their creativity and craftsmanship is evident in their boxes as well!
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